
"Sh*t people say to widows:" Please participate!

This is the old post with the instructions... skip it!

We are making a group video called ""Sh*t people say to widows" based on the "meme." If you're not familiar with them, here's a list (Watch out…some of them are pretty offensive and some of them have commercials). If you wish to watch only one, this one is very good ("Shit white girls say to black girls"):

This is a group project and we have to work FAST. Please read all the way through. I would love to have all submissions by next Tuesday, 1/24!

Between the thousands of widowed folks who read this blog, are in WidowedVillage.org and my FB pages, we will have TONS of insensitive comments that people say to widows and widowers. Want a taste of the material we've lived through? Read this, this or view this adorable and nasty video. There are also two threads on my FB timeline, each with more than 100 comments. We haz steam!

Want to participate?

You can contribute a quote or a video.

-- To contribute a quote, just fill out the custom form I created.

-- To contribute a video…… 
Email me your SUPER-SHORT videos. They should be less than 5 seconds each! If you want to do more than one, that's awesome, but make each video separately.

    •    JUST perform the quote… don't explain it, don't tell us background or who it was. JUST THE WORDS.
    •    Yes, you can film it on your phone.
    •    PLEASE film it in LANDSCAPE orientation (sideways). Try not to be so close that you can eat the camera, and I'd rather you weren't looking down at it (less flattering position anyway). If you think it might be too dark or there's too much background noise... do a test film first.
    •    You do NOT have to use HD video and if you have the option, turn OFF HD video.
    •    You can use any background including your regular old house BUT make sure there are no identifying details like family photos or street signs or anything.
    •    As for attitude: You want to be imitating someone. Pretend you are the clueless or rude person.
    •    You can wear a wig or schmatte on your head, or a costume, if you like, but that's not important. Doing this FAST is important!
If one of you would take a bunch of short videos of yourself eating a bag of chips while looking away from the camera, in different settings, that would be very, very awesome too. Somehow that flavor is part of the series. I nominate Robin Craig and a bag of Beanitos!
When you send your clip to me, tell me in the email if you wish us to use your name in the credits… or a pseudonym, or nothing. Make sure you use the email -- if you post it to YouTube I can't use it!

Email me if you have any questions. Comments are great, but please use the form or an email if you have a question about the project that needs to be resolved quickly -- I will get those sooner!

Deadline extended due to your awesome response!!
Don't forget -- Send your 5-second (or shorter) video clips to me by Tuesday 1/24!!!! Thursday 1/26!

Thank you and yaHOO!!!


Isherwood Wildwalker said...

Love the idea !

Comments submitted :)

Erin said...

Haha, I'm on it! :)

Supa Dupa Fresh said...

Thanks to both of you and to the DOZENS of people who've sent in both quotes AND videos. This is coming along great but we want to hear from YOU!
Thanks, all!

Barbara Rae Young said...

I wish I would have seen this site before you made the video.

I have one to add-- I had only been widowed for two or three months when a woman said to me, "at least he didn't leave you for a younger woman like my husband did."

And still to this day people are constantly acting as though whatever loss they have had (that is not a partner or a child) makes them relate to my experience.
It's actually pretty infuriating.

Breaking up with your boyfriend of 2 years does not, in anyway compare to the loss of my husband.
Not in anyway! You do NOT get it! Please stop acting like you do!

Gah!!! lol.
Sorry, this got me all riled up.
Thanks for the video. As tragic as it is, it is nice not being alone.
-- Barbara

Anonymous said...

I wish I had seen this one too...
the one statement that still gets me was when I was really asked by my bosses secretary...
Your out of bereavement and annual leave and I need to know what should I do about the time you were off from work for your husband's funeral this week?


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