
Thankful, if not in unison

As often happens, I found myself a little "off" from my fellow congregants last Sunday.

We were reading one of those "responsorials" from the hymnal and I loved the service but was not digging the reading in particular. I am just not good at following, waiting in line, being in time. Yet how I feed off of groups and listen to many things as once.

As I spoke along with everyone, hollowly and a half second off, I was reading this one, just next to it, which fit me at the moment. It seemed perfect, even though it's so much of the spring and I feel so full of fall this year. My birthday is in September, often the first day of school; so I've always felt that fall was really the time when things grow, even though they are not green.

This prayer, #510, reminded me of my gratitude last fall as I started to date, and my happiness now with all the good things in my life, and it resonated with the grieving I feel I have almost left behind:

O spirit of life and renewal.

We have wintered enough, mourned enough, oppressed ourselves enough.

Our souls are too long cold and buried, our dreams all but forgotten, our hopes unheard.

We are waiting to rise from the dead.

In this, the season of steady rebirth, we awaken to the power so abundant, so holy, that returns each year through earth and sky.

We will find our hearts again, and our good spirits. We will love, and believe, and give and wonder, and feel again the eternal powers.

The flow of life moves ever onward through one faithful spring, and another, and now another.

May we be forever grateful.



(Jane Rzepka)


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